Monday, August 14, 2006

Dawn of the Living Dead

I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that the same folks who argued that Terri Schiavo was alive and kicking -- even when her brain had turned to liquid -- wouldn't know when their referendum effort was dead.

As the Chicago Tribune reported over the weekend, the Illinois State Board of Elections has ruled that the anti-gay American referendum failed to secure the required number of signatures to appear on the ballot.

This in an e-mail sent out today by the Illinois Family Institute:
As we reported over the weekend, on Friday the State Board of Elections made its formal finding that our pro-marriage referendum had insufficient valid signatures to get on the ballot. As we cautioned, this SBE ruling will be overturned if we are successful in our federal court case challenging the constitutionality of Illinois' twisted election referendum law.)

This fight is far from over. Our hopes of getting the Marriage Protection Referendum on the ballot now lie with three judges on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. (Click HERE to read our full legal brief that was filed Friday; for a PDF version of the brief, click HERE.)
Still alive? Still alive!? Yeah, in the same way Stu Umholtz's campaign for Attorney General is still alive.

Of course, the cynic in me couldn't help notice that the e-mail also contained a fundraising appeal to give $25 to help defend the "Protect Marriage Referendum" from the ACLU. Of course, it would be much tougher for the IFI to raise money if it admitted that they failed on the referendum.


  1. YDD,

    Yeah, Two bits ought to do it - save Marriage and stuff! A Jackson and Lincoln cross Party effort no less!

  2. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Did you see this?

    While Wal-Mart is touting the 6% pay hike, apparently they're also capping pay for many, if not most, employees. Maybe their generosity isn't enough to make the Big Box ordinance unnecessary. What do you think?

    Sorry for the off-topic post; I'd write off-list, but I don't know who you are.

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    The referendum let the people decide.
    Roeser screwed this up.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I wouldn't give this appeal two cents of a chance.

    A near as I can tell from reading the brief on the website, the IFI argument is that they and the blowhards from FTN didn't bother to read the rules for referendum petitions, and acted on the wrong assumption that a referendum petitions are just like a candidate petitions. Now they want to use the Consitution to force the law to conform to their erroneous assumption, to cover their tracks.

    Next time read the law, fellas.

  5. ...the same folks who argued that Terri Schiavo was alive and kicking -- even when her brain had turned to liquid... much for compassionate liberalism.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Traditional marriage is mess up by traditional society. Straight people getting out of marriages like buying cars. I see couples coming to get marriage licenses that have been married over 12 times. Many couples are re-marriage to same two people numerous times. The problem is it is too easy to get married and get a divorce between straight people. This has not a thing to do with same sex couples. I been married to same person for nearly 30 years.
    Today most couples my age have been married several times or lived with some of the opposite sex several times.
    We need the fix the problems with the marriage system between the man and woman first and upmost.
    We need to give same sex couples some legal protection in their unions that are many times stronger than traditional unions.

  7. Anonymous5:59 PM

    SMART Move even though they probably didn't realize they were making it. You can't get it on the ballot this year, so you will try in 2008 (Presidential Election) which will draw the social conservatives to the polls. I expect that such referendums will be on ballots in nearly every state... nothing like getting the conservative voting bloc to the polls in masses.

    Now, the liberals need to do something similar. Why don't the liberals do a such referendum, "Homosexual Couples should be able to marry in the state of Illinois? Yes or No" I would guess that would get the liberals to the voting booth in mass as well.

  8. Anonymous6:15 PM

    You idiotic "anons" bashing Mr. Roeser don't know what you are talking about. Likely you're just some sad homosexuals hooked up on Topinka's disastrous campaign. People are sick of you lying thugs. That's why you're going down in November (no pun intended).

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Lots of pro-family people recognize the destructive and sociopathic behavior or Jack Roeser and his team with psycho-lawyer Doug Ibendhal.

  10. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Sounds like Jack needs a new lawyer after this one.

  11. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: some people just want to keep marriage--and divorce--to themselves.

  12. Anonymous8:49 AM

    “Bill Baar said...
    ...the same folks who argued that Terri Schiavo was alive and kicking -- even when her brain had turned to liquid... much for compassionate liberalism. “
    No post better sums up why Baar is such a horses ass. A comment is an indication of a lack of compassion, but trotting this poor dying woman out as political strategy, using her desperate family in the cynical, shameful way the flying monkey’s in the GOP did; well that’s just fine with Baar.

    What a candidate’s dead great uncle, who died ten years ago, stood for is a litmus test in Connecticut, more important in Baar’s fantasy world than the actual votes of the sitting senators he pimps for on a daily basis.

    Every time the GOP leadership says or does something even more repressive, more irresponsible than I assumed even they were capable of, just remember, they can say anything, do anything and someone like Baar will find a half-assed way to support it.
