Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bean Chickens Out of, Duckworth Ducks TV Debate

I keep wondering how long it will be before the area’s daily newspapers start covering the three-way nature of the 8th congressional district campaign.

Of course, I know most would rather have a Democratic Party representative in Congress.

They made that wish quite clear in their endorsements of Melissa Bean over Phil Crane two years ago.

Still, the 8th congressional district is one of very few in the country with three candidates on the ballot.

Silence on third party candidate Bill Scheurer has a direct benefit to incumbent Bean, who plans to define the entire race on TV, rather than at public forums like the television debate that Scheurer’s press release talks about below.

Oh, to the newspaper folks.

Did I mention Bean is going to spend millions on TV, compared to a piddly amount advertising in your papers?

Why are you protecting her from legitimate criticism?

It is with that background, that I run the following:
For IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 8, 2006

Bean balks at debate

Incumbent won’t face Scheurer, McSweeney on ABC-TV forum

There are three candidates on the IL-8th District Congressional ballot this November, but before the election, it will be hard for voters to get to see more than two at a time, if Melissa Bean has her way.

A pre-debate meeting scheduled for today at ABC-7 TV in Chicago was cancelled when Bean, the freshman Democratic Party incumbent, refused to participate.

Republican candidate David McSweeney and Moderate Party (independent) candidate Bill Scheurer were both willing to enter the three-way debate, according to Jayme Nicholas, ABC-7’s public relations manager. McSweeney has consistently called for three-way debates in all his public statements on the question.

Nicholas said she hoped Bean would change her mind.

This is not the first time Bean has refused to participate in a three-way debate.

On July 17, McSweeney and Scheurer faced each other on Jeff Berkowitz’ “Public Affairs” program on public access television. During the interview, McSweeney noted several times that Bean had declined to appear.

Although Scheurer gathered more than 14,000 signatures to get his name on the ballot, Bean has refused to face him in any public forum.
I readily admit that Rod Blagojevich's and Jim Ryan's refusal to debate me in 2002 peaks my interest in this story.
= = = = =
Just learned that Tammy Duckworth refuses to debate Peter Roskam on ABC, plus Fox.
= = = = =
Anyone have an image of a donkeychicken


  1. Interesting post.
    You big government Republicans can't stand Cong. Bean, can you?

    While your pals keep voting to hand out the pork, she keeps trying to stop you.

    You big spenders will never learn. C8 wants limited government with spending under control. That's why they reject your kind.

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Speaking of prok...been to springfield lately Skeeter? Thought not.

  3. Good point, Anon.

    Roskam, the guy who want to go to Congress from C6, spends some time there, doesn't he?

    Those Republicans sure can spend, whether it is in Springfield or Washington. When you need deficit spending, call in the Republicans.

  4. It's a huge mistake not to let Duckworth debate him... huge....

  5. I posted earlier that Melissa Bean was fine with pork last year.

    It's just this year that she is opposed.

  6. How about the Republican President of the United States? Or Speaker Hastert?

    Or the Republican Illinois Congressional Delegation?

    How are they on pork?

    If you want to be respected, you need to have some moral compass. When you rip Cong. Bean on pork, it shows you have no moral compass.

  7. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Um, wasn't the House in session on July 17th? I'd rather have Bean voting than campaigning on television. It is her job.

  8. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Also - if I remeber reading correctly, Bill S. did not collect enough signatures on his petitions. It is just that no one challenged their validity, theough he was short a few, and was therefore allowed on the ballot after threatening to sue everyone and their brother for his own dumb mistake.
