Friday, August 11, 2006

“B-List” Indicted Democrat Hillary Clinton Fund Raiser Doesn’t Even Rate Party Affiliation in Stories

So, a major fund raiser for U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton pleads not guilty to swindling the Chicago Public Schools and not one media outlet in Chicago remembers to mention that one James Levin is a Democrat.

The Chicago Tribune did mention James Levin’s name in a July 21st editorial referring to “The B-List” of “Illinois corruption.” It even described him as a “longtime Democratic fundraiser.”

But the Tribune couldn’t remember to include that he was a Democrat in its article Thursday.

Associated Press says that the story started on the Chicago Tribune’s web site.

If I were inclined toward a conspiratorial theory of politics—well, I do live in Illinois—I’d think reporters didn’t want any Democratic Party corruption to be identified with their party.

Or, maybe the reporter is a supporter of Clinton for President.

But, no, only about 70-80% of reporters are Democrats and I am sure it was one of the forgetful Republican Chicago reporters who forgot to include the salient partisan identification..

They are reporting on Governor Rod Blagojevich’s legal problems, so I don’t know what to think.

The New York Post still has the best story on James Levin, not be confused with Stuart Levine, Jim Ryan’s top contributor who switched horses after the election and starting giving donators to Governor Rod Blagojevich, and is now under multiple federal indictments and cooperating with the feds.

This appears also on McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Cal, Cal, Cal as you were reminded the last time you posted on this issue, Levin has given a significant amount to GOP candidates in Illinois and throughout the country.

    Last time you mentioned a Blago contribution you couldn't confirm and missed the much larger one to Ryan that could be confirmed.

    Not a conspiracy Cal, just accurate reporting. Happens to be accurate reporting you don't like.

  2. It would have been accurate and relevant had the Tribune reported yesterday that James Levin was a big Hillary Clinton fund raiser.

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    As it would have been for them to mention that he was a large donor to the last three Illinois Republican Governors.

    Your complaint should not be partisanship, it should be lazy reporting. But then lazy reporting doesn't make for agenda setting.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM


    This is no different than when the national media picked up the George Ryan trial story some months back.

    They neglected to point out that he was a Republican til deep in their stories (even though most mentioned that current Democratic Gov. Blago was also under investigation -- no such burying of Blago's party affiliation).

    Catch as catch can, eh?

  5. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Cal baby, over on that other post of yours, concerning the possible RTA tax hike, you failed to mention that the person proposing the TAX HIKE is a REPUBLICAN!

    Is that a CONSPIRACY, or as I said other there, another one of those inconvenient downstream media mistakes?

  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Are Jim Ryan former AG who received 500,000 or Bob Kjellander (800,000 in one deal involved)?

  7. It is lazy reporting. Lazy in the Bob Creamer case, lazy in the James Levin case.

    You can write the article for the SunTimes or Trib, and they might republish it under a columnists name, but they are typically too lazy to do any reporting.

