Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sorich Patronage Trial Verdict In

The U.S. Attorney's Office sent the following the message at 3:04 PM Thursday:
The parties have been summoned to court for what we believe is a verdict in the Sorich trial.

= = = = =
All were convicted of some charge.
= = = = =
From Thursday night internet:

Tribune story. Sun-Times story. Marathon Pundit's take.

= = = = =
And, you can see the how the Friday papers treated the story.

What luck for Mayor Richard Daley that President George Bush was there to bolster his image.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    the verdict is in: guilty (not on all counts)

  2. "The notion that [the four defendants] are heroes for standing tall in the 11th Ward and the notion that we need to apologize for prosecuting these men" is false, said Assistant U.S. Atty. Patrick Collins. "Mr. Sorich knowingly allowed people that were unqualified, people that were drunk, to be put in the hole with other men. That is a public safety risk. The notion that we have to look the other way or we cannot go after that corruption because they didn't put a dollar in their pocket is absurd."

    Public safety? Who was the drunk hired by Sorich?

    Let's see - Sorich was convicted of mail fraud - that means that he hired drunks?

    Not lining your pockets with filthy lucre means that you are as guilty - or is it more guilty of corruption? as let's say the late Ken Lay or the soon to be acquited Lord Black? But not as guilty as, Karl Rove or . . . ???

    Thanks for the logical spin on all of this, Paddy boy!
