Thursday, July 13, 2006

Former Head of the Historic Preservation Agency Makes Some Serious Allegations

This kids may be some really big news.

The former head of Illinois' Historic Preservation Agency alleged Thursday that he was forced out of his job for refusing the Blagojevich administration's order to fire Republican employees.
A lawsuit filed by Maynard Crossland claims aides to Gov. Rod Blagojevich came to his office in 2003 with a chart with red X's over the names of people the governor wanted to fire. Crossland says he was told the employees should be fired because they were Republicans, even though their jobs were protected from political hiring and firing.

Some of the specific claims from the suit can be found here.

Even more in the story but I don't want to just quote the whole thing. Looking forward to someone posting a copy of the suit.



  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    This is huge, absolutely huge. Blah, blah, blah. This whole hiring thing is getting a little tiresome.

    That poor, poor, guy. The anger and guilt finally boiled over and he decided to take legal action, 4 months before the election. Unbelievable!

    Republicans crying about something they mastered for over 25 years.

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    This case could involve the first indictments by the Feds by the end of the year.

    If the allegations have merit this is not a case of "he said" vs "he said." It is case of "he said" vs "they said." A prosecutors dream; being able to play two or three culprits against one another. At least one will flip with the threat of lying to investigators a crime unto itself.

    If this occurred at one, relatively small agency, it occurred at others. Particularly larger agencies.

    I expect that others similarly affected will jump on the bandwagon whether the complainants are merely looking for compensation, retribution or both.

  3. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Look Dusty, Alex Rodriguez has nothing to do with this.

  4. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Funny how this person took years to make this claim, and it just happens to come a few months before the election....

    Also odd how the number of people let go from that agency turns out to be a whopping ... 3 people.


    That sure is Some. Really. Big News.


  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    So, NW Burbs, it is ok to break the law if you are sticking it to republicans? You must be a transplanted Chicago Democrat Machinist.

    I don't know the total headcount at that agency, but if they broke the law at least three timesto stick it to people at that small agency, how many times did they break the law to stick it to people at DOT, or DHS, or CMS, or IDES, or DPA, or EPA, or Ag, or DCEO or all the rest of the agencies?

    A democrat calls this "endemic" law breaking "utter contempt for the law". But apparently that's ok with you.

    What happened to the democrat's friend, the Rutan law?

    I know it's difficult for you machinists, but try to be fair, NWB.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Some of you people live in a dream world. What part of Crossland was let go for a damn good reason don't you understand? HE WAS BADMOUTHING THE LINCOLN LIBRARY PROJECT FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!

    Some people must have been feeding at the state payroll trough so long they've lost all connection to the real world. If you work for any company and you can't support the product, they get someone else!

    And he was fired or encouraged to go by Janice Cellini!!! She's as Republican as you can get in Springfield!

    This whole thing is a desperate scam to try and help Topinka. THIS is where the next indictments are going to come from. This abuse of the legal system is incredibly illegal.

    Good work brainiacs. Say hi to George Ryan.

  7. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Well, 4:09, you're about half right. It's the half you don't have right that should make this a real potboiler before it's all over. Crossland was canned for speaking his mind about several things, including the ones mentioned in the lawsuit and the unspoken, namely the cost overruns and other issues at the Library that the godlike, untouchable Richard Norton Smith felt were beneath him.

    This has nothing to do with JBT or the election. Crossland is not a highly political guy. His connection to the Cellinis, Janis (not Janice) and Julie comes through his wife who worked for Janis at SoS many years ago. I'm certain this was difficult for all concerned.

    As for you, 4:09, did you go to law school with Blago? Even he would know that one doesn't get indicted for filing an unsuccessful lawsuit.

    BTW, brainiac, tell Rod and Lon hi for me.

  8. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Actually you can go to prison for a fraudulent misuse of the judicial system. It's called obstruction of justice.

  9. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I am hoping there is something they can charge Janis with. Aren't we all a little tired of that spoiled woman?

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Check it out

  11. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Anon 1:36pm: Here's a story to check out on Janis, her former receptionist J. Hilgers husband was fired from the IL Department of Revenue for not reporting a conviction on his job application, was fired and he had another state job the next day.
