Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blagojevich 45%; JBT 34%

from survey USA,
Analysis: In an election for Governor of Illinois today, 7/25/06, incumbent Democratic Rod Blagojevich defeats Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka, according to a SurveyUSA poll conducted exclusively for KSDK-TV St. Louis. Blagojevich gets 45% today.
The two are effectively tied in Suburban Cook County and in the Chicago Collar Counties. Topinka is up by 4 points Downstate. The election is on 11/7/06.
Where are the other 50 points worth or Republicans going?


  1. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Social Conservatives are completly turned off by Judy, many of us feel we would be better served to let Rod screw up for another term and then run a conservative in the next election.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM then have that conservative lose because of an inability to attract moderate Republicans.

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Voting for the most destructive governor to intentionally screw things up worse? Do you want to see how bad things can get? Whoever follows this act will have his/her hands full fixing the mess. 4 more years will really hamstring whoever follows this act. I don't think many outside of IL govt know how bad it is.

  4. Wow....17% say they plan on voting for a third party candidate. That's huge.

  5. I don't think it's worth a separate article here , but some might be interested in my Sunday article on the gubernatorial candidate who visited my son's 9th birthday party.

  6. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Still looks, sounds and feels like 2004 presidential race.... We know what happened to the incumbent there -- he won, and went on a long slide down to low approval lame-duckiness.

  7. The more conservative elements of the Republican Party don't like Judy. But they'll come around.

    Jim Ryan made huge gains against Blago in the closing month of the 2002 race, and he was running against George Ryan as much as against Blago.

    Also, Judy just has to wait things out. Her position is similar to a football coach matched up against a fumble-prone opponent. All she has to do is wait....

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Will the Burge report hurt Toddler Stroger and the machine because of the County fighting the law suits and the false convictions under Dick Devine???
    will the Burge torture get the Black vote out and get Blacks mad and they will vote for Todd just because he is black

  9. Anonymous4:46 PM

    It's not just social conservatives avoiding Topinka.

    The growing list includes anyone with more than a pea brain who thinks giving the state George Ryan 2 would be idiotic. Topinka is George without the smarts. She's clearly unqualified to be Governor.
