Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Prison Cheese

Cross posted from ICPR's blog, The Race is On:

Today’s news is full of stories about corruption in Illinois, but lest anyone think we’re the bottom of the bucket in American politics, don’t forget that our neighbors to the north are also watching an on-going series of live courtroom dramas. Convicted legislators? They've got’em. Convicted lobbyists? Got those, too. Today’s papers report on the conviction of a state purchasing manager for directing contracts to the governor’s campaign contributors, over-ruling the recommendation of the proper evaluation committee.

So who’s more corrupt? If we’re just looking at state government, it’s probably a toss up. Throwing in local government (Laski’s sentencing today is just gravy), I think we win. Or lose, depending on your perspective.


  1. Is this another Democratic Party Travelgate?

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Laski is cooperating with the Feds against Victor Reyes.

  3. Isn't anybody bothered by how this is basically accepted by the electorate?

    It really doesn't even get people angry anymore.

    How long before we become the people who gather and protest in favor of the likes of Gotti.

    (and I ask this regarding corruption in both parties)

  4. The Electorate - it kind of rolls off the toungue like 'the herd,' 'the unwashed.' 'The too stupid to breathe,'

    Damn those Electorate; why are they voting; what gives them the right?

  5. Pat,

    I'm part of the elecotorate and have been a devoted member since 1972... My Dad told me he went to War so I had that right...

    ...but I've cast some really dumb votes.

    I like to think it's because Illinois offers damn few opportunities.


  6. Bill,
    Me Too! I am proud to number myself among those regarded as too dumb to live, because some progressive minded goo-goo can not grasp the fact that each individual voter goes into the booth with his personal agenda.

    When the goo-goo's lose they whine about the 'fools who waste their ballots,' but have backed a candidate or slate of candidates they happen to be willing to support. The same boneheads whine that 'Clinton took us down a dark sleazy alley,' or 'Bush can't find a light switch but is murdering children,' but are incapable of giving The President due courtesy.

    An office holder wins an election because he appeals to a particular constituency. In the 43rd Ward, there is a tendancy for residents to be more transient ( renters not owners), less likely to vote, and more progressive minded than voters in the 19th Ward. The Voters from the 19th would not back a candidate with the attributes of one who appeals to voters in the 43rd Ward. Different people, different values.

    To cry that the 'fix is in' every time a goo-goo loses ( which is more often than not - and why is that?) reduces things to the absurd.

    If Patrick Fitzgerald is applying Murphy soap to Cook County, why did he miss the Rove blotch? Yep, he'll make things right.
