Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gay Games' State Subsidy

When the Gay Games’ spokeswoman was in Crystal Lake for the meeting during which the Crystal Lake Park Board capitulated to legal threats, I asked how much was taxpayer subsidy was expected from Springfield.

The answer given was $450,000.

I just received a copy of a subsidy agreement from the administration of Rod Blagojevich, which says Chicago Games, Inc.—the official name of the Gay Games—will receive $296,616 out of the Fiscal Year 2006 budget. (That’s the budget year that ends June 30, 2006.)

That's 66% of what was expected.

The money is for presumably non-controversial items:
Administration - $45,000
Purchase of Services - $3,000
Marketing/Promotion - $18,000
Equipment/Facility Rental - $59,000
Cash Match-Equip/Facility Rent - $171,616
There must have been something revealing in the first application, because it was withdrawn and re-submitted.

Of course, more could come from next year’s budget. The FY07 budget year starts two weeks before the Gay Games are being held.

Tomorrow on McHenry County Blog- Rowing event scheduled on the Chicago River...on Monday, July 17th.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Mr. Skinner,

    I don't know if I've ever posted a response to one of your blog entries before, but I wanted to say that it is great to see you doing regular commentary now, and continuing to help make our state a better place. This is a time when we could definitely use more principled and outspoken conservatives and 'republicans' in Illinois (not to mention at the national level as well). It was good to have met you at the Contract for Life and Family during the 2002 summer campaign season... Thank you for your continued involvement in the politics and policy-making of our state. I hope that you keep up the excellent work for a long time to come.
