Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sen. Durbin Backs Barack Obama for President

I don't know what the general perception of is but I found this interesting article there about Illinois' senior senator speaking glowingly of the possibility of the junior senator running for President. How appropriate in light of Sen. Obama's name being thrown around as a possible contender for the presidency in 2008 and he's already got one endorsement. I post this article in its entirety.
Sen. Durbin Backs Barack Obama for President
Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:24 a.m. EDT

Barack Obama is getting a push toward a presidential run from fellow Democratic senator from Illinois, Dick Durbin.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Durbin said he's told Obama he should look "long and hard" at the possibility of running. The 44-year-old Obama has already said he won't run for president in 2008.

But Durbin says Obama brings something special to politics. He says Obama connects better with people than anyone he's ever seen. And Durbin adds that he thinks Obama has the potential to unite people from both Democratic and Republican regions of the country.

And, yes, Durbin also says he would endorse an Obama candidacy should he decide to run.

© 2006 Associated Press.
I really would like to know what to make of this.


  1. Levois,

    I believe that Sen. Durbin is scare witless of Barack Obama and hopes to move his jubior colleague to the executive branch lions den.

    So long as Sen. Obama serves in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Durbin remains a can of generic wax beans.

  2. I believe Sen Durbin is witless in general.


  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Are you guys kidding? I've heard of "promoting" someone into obscurity, but I can't see electing someone President of the United States to accomplish that.

    (Although that would sure explain how Dubya got where he is, wouldn't it?)

    Obama's the real deal. Durbin is, too, for that matter.
