Monday, April 17, 2006

George Ryan & Larry Warner Guilty on All Counts

The jurors had a series of photographs of former Governor George Ryan vacationing with former Republican State Senator, Governor Richard Ogilvie staffer, favored Ryan lobbyist and now-convicted felon Ron Swanson. This is the most grim. Everyone else in the photo were having a good time. George wrote that he didn't think it was funny.

As, he undoubtedly doesn't think today's verdicts are.

If the verdicts are upheld on appeal, Ryan will lose his state pension.

Will the convictions will change to culture of corruption in Illinois?

Will the convictions embolden U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald?

More about McHenry County resident Don Udstuen's role in the corruption trial McHenry County Blog. You can see the whole photo there, too.


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Whos next????????

    Mayor Daily

  2. One can reasonably conclude that with the conclusion of this lengthy trial, a significant amount of resources within the office of the U.S. Attorney will now be available to investigate and prosecute a number of other SOB politicos in the area.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Fran Eaton must be crying right now. Fran, Penny Pullen, Jack Roeser and others all were defending George Ryan all the way into 2001. Jack Roeser was defending the ethics of George Ryan (while disagreeing with Illinois First) although the way into late 1999 on Chicago Tonight.
    Fran Eaton would not sign a statement by conservatives criticizing George Ryan at the Conservative Summit in 2001. 3 years into the term. Penny Pullen, on the payroll, (Fran also was on the George Ryan transition team with rabid pro-aborts and same sex marriage like Ms. Katz supporter Rick Garcia and Tom Tunney.

    These so called conservatives Fran, Penny, J. Roeser sold everybody a bill of goods and worked on the same campaign as openly gay Senator Carol Ronen, openly gay state rep sick Larry McKeon, and the pro-abortion lobby.

    Their were true voices crying out in the wilderness like Paul Caprio, Ralph Rivera, Tom Roeser (among others) that saw the writing on the wall and were able to compare the integrity (Poshard cetainly had more integrity)
    The logic, strategy and tactics were right their but Jack Roeser, Penny Pullen and Fran Eaton sold the conservatives out and gave us George Ryan. The man Penny Pullen called the most honest.

    Today is a day that Fran Eaton and company should hold their heads in shame and ask for forgiveness not only from conservatives but from Almight God for their lies and false witness, and from all the citizens of Illinois that have suffered with higher taxes, higher debt, more ways to get abortion, and more special rights for homosexuals, expansion of gambling, pension debt, bad schools, bigger government, more fees, grants to the gay museum and corruption of the SOS and governors office in the worst pay to play system imaginable probably even worse than Blagojevich. But the conservatives and taxpayers got played and Fran and Penny got paid.

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This is a tragedy. George Ryan is a true public servant who gave his life for government. He never became rich and was living on a pension that he well deserved. The Federal Government and media connected dots that were never meant to be connected and made our legal system a joke. This is the politicization of the political process.

    George Ryan will go down in history as providing the biggest infrastructure and public works program in the history of Illinois and stopping the death penalty of innocent men. GEORGE RYAN IS PERHAPS THE GREATEST GOVERNOR IN THE HISTORY OF ILLINOIS AND THE GREATEST GOVERNOR IN THE COUNTRY.

  5. It's up to Obama and Durbin on his reappointment.

    What's Hastert have to do with it?

    There are far more Democratic then Republican targets in Illinois for Fitz.

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Since Rich censored me at capitolfax, let's see if you guys will let me post what I posted there verbatem:

    There is just something... that always bring me back to this... and I think it is appropriate in its own way....

  7. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I wonder if Bill Baar will demand to know what Major Duckworth's stand on Ryan's conviction is (it's kinda like an impeachment after all)....

    I wonder too if Peter Roskam thinks the 22 guilt verdicts are wrong since Roskam stands up for politicians that lie and break the law (in other words, Roskam is against impeaching Bush for his violations of the Constitution ... surely Roskam believes Ryan should go scot-free too).

    (Posted with Tongue Planted Firmly in Cheek.)

  8. Anonymous2:47 PM

    What they got George Homer Ryan for they could get Mayor Saddam Richie Daley for 10 times as much.
    Daley and Joyce and co. should be sweating bullters. This George Ryan thing is incredible precedent.

  9. NW,
    If Duckworth would potentially be voting on Ryan's impeachment on would... but she won't be... neither will Roskam... so it's sort of a goofy question to ask.

    Although I think any Illinois Pol really should comment... Duckworth, having been out of Politics all together has a nice advantage there.

  10. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Mayor Daley, family and friends are next!!! Patrick McDonough

  11. It's up to Obama and Durbin on his reappointment.

    No it isn't! US attys serve at the pleasure of the PRESIDENT.

    Now, in general President's accept the advice of the senior senator OF HIS PARTY. But he needs not do so.

    And since the Mr. FitzGerald has been approved by the Sentate, he can sit there until Jan 2009.

  12. Anonymous6:40 PM

    George Ryan is under the law, just like the rest of us. President Nixon did many great things in the Environment and he had a decent economy too. Should that mean Nixon should be remembered as a great man?


    He should be remembered as he was...A man who did some very good things, but he broke the law and deserved to be punished. George Ryan is the same. He did some good things, but he broke the law and he deserves punishment.

    Lets not forget that my fellow Republicans that many of our fold screamed that Bill Clinton be punished for lying to Congress. LET US NOT BE HYPOCRITES NOW!

    Republican, Democrat, Independent, ect...that doesn't give us a right to break the law because of our position in government.

    I encourage my Republican friends to be consistent on this. We will gain more respect from the public by standing up for the law, then for party loyalty. Hopefully we can soon move on and get back to talking about who has the better agenda for our state.

  13. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bill Baar
    You are wrong!
    Pat is almost correct. The President listens to the Senior elected official in Washington of his (Presidents) party. Example
    Bob Michael (GOP Minority leader) was the one to pick United States Marshals, US attorneys and Federal Judges after Percy was beaten when Reagan, and Bush 1 were in office. It is now up to Speaker Hastert to pick the replacements for these jobs.
    That was the fight between Hastert and Fitzgerald; Hastert and the Illinois GOP wanted the Senator to "Work with" the Speaker to name the US Attorneys for Illinois. Fitzgerald didn't have to it was his job. But the Speaker wanted a say in who was named and Fitz wanted someone from outside of Illinois. Fitzgerald had to name Patrick Fitzgerald on Mothers Day night because he was called into a meeting in the White House on the Monday after, he knew the President was going to ask that the Senator work with the Speaker so he preempted them.
    If there is no Senator the job falls to the senior elected person in Washington for the presidents party to name these people and the president ok's the name.

  14. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Could McHenry resident Jeff Ladd be in trouble?

  15. ok, but if this correct...

    And since the Mr. FitzGerald has been approved by the Sentate, he can sit there until Jan 2009.

    He can sit there for a long time... Hastert will retire before 2009.

    So I don't think Hastert has much say.

  16. Governor Ryan and his family are in my prayers. The last thought in John Kass's column today holds a mirror up to the faces and reflects the nature of the souls of those who rejoice in Ryan's suffering. Read the last last few sentences and see how you react.

  17. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Did Mike Joyce aka Pickle give Pat Hickey permission to post that?

  18. Still posting with all the fire and courage of your convictions - at a (gender Specific please).

    I have a pretty good idea of the natures of the people I like and admire and really have the %&^-offs nailed down - It's a gift.
