Friday, February 17, 2006

6th Dist Roundtable on 91.5 FM

Your Chicago Public Radio will host a 6th District Democratic round table on today's 848 program. All three candidates are expected to debate the issues facing the district with 848 host Steve Edwards.

Click here to listen live or tune to 91.5 FM between 9 and 10 this morning


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    So, we basically learned one thing from the 848 not the be the man in a three way forum with two women. You aren't likely to get a word in...(that is, by the way, a testament to the women - not intended as an insult).

  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    yeah, i thought scott was too deferential, as well. but cegelis was aggressive, well-prepared, and made her points. her questions to each of her opponents offered strong contrasts. she clearly won.

    duckworth started off a little nervous, eventually settling down -- but this format doomed her. she's better when sticking to her talking points. her "fighting instincts" proved that she can be distracted, muddling her message, and exposing weaknesses in her knowledge base. but i suspect she'll do better in the future, when she's had more time to understand her role in a campaign -- if she "volunteers!"
