Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Time to Sheathe the Broadsword

Tom Roeser is holding a plebiscite on his blog on whether GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Jim Oberweis is helping or hurting himself with his continued public attacks on opponent Judy Topinka.

As I wrote last week I consider Oberweis to be the frontrunner at this stage. But I was at the Cook County Republican Convention and heard the speeches. I cringed when Oberweis took out after Topinka with her sitting just a few feet behind him. At the afterparty I had a lot of interesting conversations, but two stand out. The first was with a moderate friend who told me he had been gravitating towards Oberweis. His rationale was that he believed Topinka would, indeed, be a terrible candidate at the top of the ticket and would prove a drag on the party. After Oberweis speech, he determined to support Gidwitz. "He probably won't win, But I'm not going to give my vote to either of the candidates who seem hell-bent on waging war on half the party," my friend said. The second conversation was with a conservative friend who had decided last week to vote for Oberweis. The speech changed his mind. He's going to go with Brady.

There is a penchant among both right and left-wing purists for unrelenting and distasteful public attacks. In fact, in some circles you can be ideologically purer than the pope, but if you aren't given to frequent ill-tempered malice towards others, you are considered suspect. Besides being a formula for defeat, this is downright bizarre and, I think, immoral.

Though I almost invariably express my views boldly I am not under the illusion that I am always right. Moreover, there are few people, whether I agree or disagree with them, from whom I don't learn something when I listen. There are precious few people who, however misguided, actually intend to do what is wrong. To constantly attack others motivation as well as their ideas is to deny them their humanity and make a mere caricature of them. To do that ultimately robs each of us of our humanity, as well. The truth is we are all flawed, a stumbling lot with feet of clay. The best we can accomplish is to stumble forward. To behave in a well-mannered fashion, even while vigorously engaging the debate, is to recognize our shared humanity and act in solidarity with each other.

Abraham Lincoln was once admonished by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton that he had to learn to destroy his enemies. "Why Stanton," Lincoln replied, "if I make my enemy into my friend haven't I destroyed an enemy?"

In modern times no conservative was better at vanquishing left-wing ideas than Ronald Reagan. And no man was better-mannered.

It makes me wonder why, when our most effective and unwavering champions responded with courtesy and charity even when under malicious assault themselves, anyone would think the way to win converts to the cause would be to hack away at opponents with a broadsword.

It is especially puzzling to me in the case of Oberweis. While he often campaigns as the angry white male, few people are as committed to the party's welfare as he is. In his previous primary losses, he was the first man out front supporting the victor, both with his money and his words. When the late-entry down-ballot candidates for statewide office desperately needed help in getting petition signatures this year, Oberweis put his organization to work to help get the job done for them. One of the more interesting things about this whole business is that, if Oberweis wins the governor's office, most observers will expect him to behave like an ill-tempered scold. I think they will be surprised to discover that, when he isn't in the midst of campaigning, he is a magnanimous man with a big heart.

Oberweis need not make a single change in his stand on any of the issues. If he puts away his broadsword and behaves like the man I have known him to be when campaign season is over I think he is unstoppable in this primary. If he does not, he cannot win and Topinka is the most likely nominee.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Larry, that's the cave where Alan Keyes garnered 1,390,690 in the General Election and no pro-choice, pro-gay rights Republican has won a contested statewide GOP primary since.....somebody help me out here?

  3. I would help you out, YDD, but I'm having myself a good Horse Laugh right now.

  4. Anonymous4:21 PM

    A primary isn't supposed to be a pillow fight. If Oberweis has legitimate issues and Topinka is vulnerable, as long as it isn't personal, have at it.

    Topinka and Oberweis are opposited on most issues, if she wins the nomination (which I don't think she will), a while lot of conservatives are going to stay home or vote for anybody but her.

    If she were to become Governor, does anybody think anything is going to change?

    Don't make me laugh.

    It would just mean that the Illinois electorate STILL hasn't had enough of high taxes, waste and business-as-usual.

  5. Charlie,

    As a Dem, I'm not going to venture a comment on this issue, but I just wanted to say that this was a well-written and interesting post. Keep up the good work. Now you can all resume fighting with each other:)

  6. Anonymous5:08 PM


    Good post, but I must be missing something. I have heard Oberweis speeches where he hits others, or questions them publicly about their motives. I have yet to hear Judy say anything about anyone except Blagojevich.

    I hear rumors that Judy really is criticizing Oberweis, that Judy really was responsible for Alan Keyes, and that Judy was planning her campaign all along. It seems that to some that when Judy doesn't mention Oberweis, she really does; that even though the State Central Committee selected Alan Keyes at the behest of Steve Rauschenberger, Dave Syverson and Don Manzullo, Judy dictated the choice to ensure a conservative loss; and that even though Jim Edgar gave strong consideration and a teary exit to a gubernatorial race, Judy really orchestrated it all. This goes against all evidence and is just too conspiratorial for this conservative.

    The truth is, I don't believe what a Candidate A says about Candidate B- it will be twisted in Candidate A's favor and designed to slam Candidate B. I listen to what comes out of the candidate's mouth. I can hear what comes and doesn't come out of Topinka's mouth, and I can also hear the same from Oberweis. Where the mud comes from is clear.

    This conservative makes an individual choice about his vote. I have no problem with supporting Topinka in the primary (and will probably do so) or the general, but will support whoever comes out of the primary.

  7. Anonymous6:12 PM


    Take a good, long look at the trash that the Family Taxpayer Network "Goon Squad" (Biver, LaBarbara, Ibendahl, etc.) are putting out about Topinka on websites, and you will know why everyone in the GOP is getting fed up with Oberweis.

    Then take a look at how your "frontrunner" did in the Cook County Convention Straw Poll. Topinka crushed Oberweis better than 2 to 1. Cook represented 20% of the statewide GOP primary vote in 2002. Just as interesting was that Brady was close behind Oberweis in the poll.

    MARK MY WORDS: Brady, who is a decent man running a decent campaign, will PASS "Gutter Mud" Oberweis before Primary Day, and Topinka will win comfortably.

  8. Anonymous9:54 PM

    anon 612

    The cook county convention straw poll??? How many votes did you get? The day the "straw Poll" came out Oberweis WON Berywn township, in palatine he beat JBT 27 votes to 6. JBT has not won any townships in Cook yet where is her huge lead in cook? So far it's
    Oby 2
    undecided 2
    Gidwitz JBT Brady 0

  9. Anonymous1:27 AM

    Oberweis won Beryn Township? Oh my goodness, did Castrogiovanni get more than four people to show up? I hear that guy is so lame he has to pay people to attend his meetings.

    Oberweis won Palatine entire township? Boy, what's next, Jimbo won a majority at a local PTA meeting?

    The Cook GOP Convention was MAJOR, and Jimbo CRASHED, big time. It's very simple, he has given in to the Jack Roeser Dark Side. He might as well give up, and HOPE that Brady might win with his votes.

  10. Anonymous10:00 PM

    We should start a new drinking game....take a shot every time Charlie mentions "I" in his'll be drunk by the time you stop reading.
