Thursday, January 12, 2006

LaHood for majority whip? It hardly seems ethical

Talk about rooting for the home team:

Peorian Ray LaHood should seek the U.S. House of Representative's No. 3 Republican leadership post - majority whip. If ever there was a time when Congress needed to be more unified, it is now. And LaHood has had a reputation for reaching out within his own party and across party lines to encourage consensus building and less rancor. The six-term representative learned political diplomacy from the master, former House Minority Leader Bob Michel, LaHood's mentor and boss in Washington from 1982 until 1994.

The Bloomington Pantagraph editorial goes on to fret that a Rep. Tom DeLay clone will be chosen to replace him, not the guy LaHood is backing.

LaHood has his snout buried in the trough, too. Lobbyists donate more cash to his campaign than any single group. That's an established fact. So is the fact that at least one group that lobbies Congress paid for one of his overseas trips. That's an established fact, despite what LaHood tells friendly hometown the media that refuses to investigate his claims.

And what's this stuff about LaHood having a reputation for being non-partisan? That's bull. LaHood was the guy who precided at the hearings to impeach Clinton because of the Monica Lewinsky affair. And he did exactly that the Clinton haters told him to do.

LaHood fails the leadership test.

Originaly posted at Blog Peoria.


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Yeah...can you imagine having two IL congressman in the top leadership positions of the House? What a disaster for the State.

  2. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I spoke with Mr. Elrod at a benefit for the late Mike Kelly. What a gentleman and noble spirit!

    Twerps like Ward Churchill are such marginal human beings, but they get the attention they crave - and that is our fault.

  3. What a gentleman and noble spirit!

    The opposite of Ward, Dohrn, and Ayers
