Thursday, January 12, 2006

I am sick of Oprah

I'm tired of both her and sick of her holier-and-wiser-than-thou schtick.

First off, I don't know the woman, so I'm not going to call her by her first name. I'm calling to call her by her last name, which is standard Associated Press style. Oprah isn't just her first name, it's her brand name, and I'm not going to play her game.

Take the recent case of Oprah's Book Club author James Frey whose inspirational auto-biography, ""A Million Little Pieces"," was found to be filled with lies and distortions. Frey was being drilled on the Larry King Show, and Winfrey called in insisted the fabrications are unimportant, as long a people can get something from the book.

The real reason for her defense: Winfrey is on the defensive. She's marketed herself as some sort arbiter of taste and and a self-improvement guru. She promoted this book, and now its come back to bite her. So she's defending herself by saying it's "much ado about nothing."

What a bunch of self-serving tripe.

This book details how this guy recovered from substance abuse on his own after walking away from a 12-step program. I'm not one of those people who think there's only one way to get healthy. But I'm also worried some addict is going to read this book and walk away from a program that works, but might be just a little hard.

I originally decided that I had my fill of Winfrey last month, when her audience was filled with selected Hurricane Katrina voluneers. She lavished gifts on them, including some very high-end electronics. What's the message here? That good people deserve tangible rewards? Or is the message that Winfrey is better than the rest of us because she can afford to hand out material wealth to the people she deems worthy. I thought the whole exercise was crass. I don't know what church she attended, but the one I attended taught me to not wear charity or peity on my sleeve.

But for Winfrey, they are both just another marketing tool for Oprah Inc.

Originally posted at Peoria Pundit.

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  1. Maybe we'd feel different if she made us her blog, just like she turns books into best sellers.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM


    Save your breath to col your stir-about - Winfrey - sounds like a W.C. Fields cognomen - is the American Isis.

    However, she still needs to pay
    $ 2.75 for the 2 hotdog special (fries included) at Fat Tommy's on 111th St. Withcoupons she might get a buck off with two or more items. Knowing that is enough to allow this patriot to sleep soundly.

  3. Well, she's done some good for the near west side of Chicago. She's created some jobs. Let's not knock down someone bringing some business to town.

    A few years ago I was hoping she'd buy the Bears.

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Sounds like someone's jealous that he wasn't bright enough to succeed as an entrepreneur and instead has to toil away as a minor blogger.

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Some years ago, while filling up at Ralaigh Kean's Station on 111th & Talman, a stretch limo pulled up.

    The tinted glass window in back came down and there before was Oprah Winfrey!

    She asked, 'How to I get to 294?'

    I told her, 'Eat less and try excercise.'

    And History was made!

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    this is to Bill Bair -- regarding the jobs issues. I recall that Hitler created a lot of jobs too during the time he was in power but I don't hear any kudos about that??? LOL

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Sorry one more comment...regarding the fact that this book (A Million Little Pieces) has changed so many peoples did Mein Kempf, so why isn't this on her book list????

  8. Anonymous10:40 AM

    That's an old joke Pat...but, given that it's a lie that you said that, maybe you should put it in your memoirs...who knows, maybe you'll make her book club.

  9. Sorry, I believed that I had made that up only recently but my fictive turn came back to haunt me; did that help I hope so.

    My book Every Heart and Hand: A Leo High School Story is read by tens of people and it recounts Winfrey's dismissal of Leo's mission to African American yooung men.

    The book is factual so my chubby cheeks won't sit on her couch.

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Please, please tell me you're not serious when you say you thought you made that up????

    That joke is very old.

  11. ILLINOIZE is like a mensa chapter!

  12. Anonymous11:39 AM

    LOL @ hickey...too funny, and right.

  13. I still wish she had bought the Bears.

  14. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Really, Cindy? More power than the president? She is illegally wiretapping citizens' phones, declaring citizens "enemy combatants" and fighting to keep them detained, without redress to the courts, at Guantanamo Bay, and claiming she has the authority to ignore the Constitution and acts of Congress whenever she deems fit?

    Once again the corporate media is ginning up a meaningless controversy to divert attention from the real issue, the installation of a right-wing extremist on the Supreme Court.

  15. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I wish ANYBODY would buy the Bears ...

  16. I haven't been a big fan of the hype goddess since shortly after she started her book club. I used to work in a book store, & we'd read the books so we could keep ahead of our customers. Every one of Her Majesty's choices seemed to have the same "I-have-overcome-misery" tones, most with little else to lend them literary merit. I'd rather spend a lifetime reading a "SLOW" sign next to interstate construction than read more of the stuff she claims "changed her life".

    BTW - Under normal circumstances, I pay no attention to the ads in the sidebar, but, have you noticed the bottom advertising box, here? The "ads by Gooooooogle" box contains 4 Oprah-promoting ads & one from DiversityInc... So, while we kvetch about the promotional queen herself, she's being promoted on this blog.

    I feel so used, I think I need a shower, now.

  17. Anonymous3:34 PM


    Anyone who thinks the corporate media is liberal has drunk an unhealthy, possibly toxic amount of Republican koolaid. Enjoy!
