Friday, January 20, 2006

Brace Yourselves

The Wisconsin General Assembly has upheld Governor Jim Doyle's veto of caps on medical negligence compensation.

We all know what that means.

Soon, busloads of doctors will begin fleeing Wisconsin for Illinois, where caps protect them.

No word yet from Illinois officials in Lake County or McHenry County on whether they plan to set up temporary refugee camps to deal with the expected influx.

This could mean thousands - nay, tens of thousands - of new physicians for Illinois.



  1. Yellow Dog, hilarious indeed. But, as I've said before, let's not pretend that conservatives have a monopoly on hyperpole in political rhetoric.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    grand old partisan --

    watch out for those "hyperpoles". When you climb them they start to bend.

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I think after the spade comment yesterday he was taking a shot at my people today.

  4. stosh.....funny. That should be hyperbole. Thanks.

  5. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I bet those doctors are just crossing the border to suck up our welfare dollars. Somebody ought to do something about these immigrants. They are going to take the jobs of hard working Illinois doctors.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Nice to see a legislature not cave to the AMA's B@#%&*^#.

    Caps don't work. Insurance reform and punishing bad doctors does.

  7. There was some other news which I blogged about---and Pajamas picked it up---from the Dairy State. The no contest please from four of five defendants (incl. the adult children of two Milwaukee Dem. politicians) charged with slashing the tires of 25 "get out the vote" vans rented by the Milw. Repuplican Party.

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    gee...just what the state needs...more cheeseheaded proctologists.

    good for Doyle to veto. At least patients who are injured will still be able to get justice in court. Caps simply protect bad doctors.
