Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bloggers could be on their way to annoying everybody

Cross-posted at Marathon Pundit.

For understandable reasons, there are reasons the mainstream media dislikes bloggers. Now bloggers are on the way to becoming real pains in the neck for every one else. Over the weekend, the annual Chicago Cubs convention took place. On Saturday, Cubs Manager Dusty Baker and the team's GM, Jim Hendry, met with fans in a question-and-answer session.

The Chicago Tribune's Paul Sullivan wrote about it, below is the pertinent section of his article. Free registration is required.

The majority of questioners rambled on and on about their Cubs-related heartbreak before offering an actual question, many plugging their Cubs-related blog.

The first awkward occasion occurred when one particularly long-winded blogger groused that White Sox GM Ken Williams and manager Ozzie Guillen were "smoking cigars with their feet up and laughing at us, laughing at you guys, laughing at the North Side."

The fan then accused Hendry of failing to address the team's off-season needs, of overestimating Jacque Jones' talent and having a payroll of only $75 million. Hendry's equally long-winded response was that he beefed up the bullpen, has faith in Jones, acquired leadoff man Juan Pierre and has a $90 million payroll that could balloon to $100 million.

Okay Cubs bloggers, I'd hate to break this to you, but the regular fans at that Cubs convention didn't care about your blogs. They were there to hear Baker and Hendry and maybe ask a question themselves.

Also do you seriously think people in the audience were diligently writing down the URL of each blog mentioned?

And finally, Cubby bloggers, please show some mercy. Don't you think Cubs fans have suffered enough?

I hope what occurred at the Cubs convention is an isolated incident. If not, the citizens will soon hate "citizen journalists."


  1. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I was in the room when this happened, believe me, people were very annoyed at all these people saying they "blog with" this site and that. It brought nothing to the debate, and it sure didn't lend any weight to the lame questions they asked.

  2. Perhaps there's a time and place for everything, yes?

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I would only note - sadly - that this site has aready "morphed" from politics to virtually any subject on which a self-appointed "citizen journalist" wants to expel the internet equivalent of hot air.

  4. Perhaps you missed my Durbin post from yesterday. And anon 3:41 pm, where are your contributions?

    It's easy to criticize, harder to create.

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I Cub-blog, there-fore I am.

  6. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Create? Start your own website.

  7. This blog should ban anonymous posters.

  8. Go Sox.

    To Anon 3:41, there are only occasional forays here into non-political stuff. Get over yourself.

    And John, you are free to delete all anonymous commenters if you wish. It's your post, your rules. You might want to announce that rule in advance, however.

  9. Thanks Rich...

    As for why I posted it...

    1) Definitely a local story

    2) About the evolution of blogging.
