Thursday, January 19, 2006

Blagojevich Chief of Staff Lon Monk Off to Campaign

Lon Monk, Governor Rod Blagojevich’s chief of staff isn’t anymore.

He apparently is off to campaign land and has been replaced by John Harris.

When I asked the Governor’s Office for “Mr. Monk,” the woman answered,
Lon is no longer with the Governor’s office.

I asked if Harris were now the chief of staff and was told he was.

Monk was paid through January 15th, being paid $11,266 per month, according to the Comptroller’s Office.

“Lon left about mid-January,” Blagojevich spokesperson Abby Ottenhoff confirmed.

Sources tell me Harris graduated from high school in the South Suburbs in 1980 and joined the military. There he got his education and ended up as a military prosecutor. He got a job at Chicago City Hall, then, switched to the Police Department where he is reported to have been a civilian deputy superintendent. This summer, Harris switched from being city budget director to work for Blagojevich as chief operating officer.

Just a sample of the tidbits, such as the Daily Herald questionnaire, you can find on McHenry County Blog.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM


  2. Now, at least, the voters may almost get their tax dollars' worth from Monk (now that he's not receiving any money from the public trough).

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Well that's one of them.What about the rest of his staff that's campaigning thier butts off.

  4. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Hopefully, we'll never see him again. Putz. Just shows that anyone can get money from the State of Illinois with no ROI.

  5. Anonymous4:19 PM

    when will the blowhard from New York be leaving? He never should have been hired and is about the dumbest political guy I have ever met.
