Monday, December 12, 2005

Who Wants to Run with a Millionaire?

Trying to comment on this governor's race before filing is complete is like shoveling the walk while the snowstorm rages on. So this week I'll share with you some telephone transcripts and secret memos that my ever-alert cadre of informants might or might not have delivered to me. The first is a telephone transcript that may or may not have been found in a dumpster outside the corporate offices of Helene Curtis...

(ringing sound)

Steve R: Hello.
Ron G: Steve, good to hear from you. This is Ron. What can I do for you?
Steve R: called me, Ron. But since you're on the phone, you don't by any chance have a million or two laying around you're not doing anything with, do you?
Ron G: Oh yeah, that's why I'm calling. I've been thinking. You know, some people say I'm... well... not all that exciting. But you, you've got a great new gimmick almost every other day. That Topikajevoyavich stuff, what a hoot! Great stuff there. How do you come up with it? Anyway, you need money; I got money. I need gags; you got gags. What do you say we team up?
Steve R: But Ron, I'm a conservative and you're a moderate...won't this just confuse things?
Ron G: Balderdash! Don't sweat the small stuff. I've got more money than Scrooge McDuck and you've got a beard. It worked for Oscar and Felix.
Steve R: Uh, I don't have a beard anymore.
Ron G: Whatever, you're still funny. Come to think of it, I don't think Oscar had a beard, either. If things got tough on the campaign trail, you could always grow it back. Ha! That's a trick that accordion player could never pull off. So are you with me?
Steve R: Gosh, I was planning to call a press conference later this week to announce that I was applying to be the quarterback for the Bears. But your idea intrigues me, kind of a new paradigm for me. Still, how do we get around the problem that we disagree about everything?
Ron G: I've got that all figured out. We'll be the anti-establishment reform ticket.
Steve R: Are you serious? You were the king of the establishment. People will never buy this.
Ron G: Balderdash! Listen, funny man. You were the chairman of the Senate Finance Comittee during George Ryan's Bilk Illinois program. How did you end up being a reformer after running Georgie's ATM machine?
Steve R: Well, I yelled about giving them the money. Besides, they all hated me.
Ron G: Yeah, you're right. I hated you, too. But that was then and this is now. So are we gonna do this thing?
Steve R: We might be able to make it work. But you've got to say you always hated Bob Kjellander. Say you hated him since he dated your kid sister back in grade school and dipped her pigtails in an inkwell. John Kass eats that stuff up. Tell him you hate Kjellander and he'll buy anything else you say.
Ron G: I DO! I do hate Kjellander. You know, I had my clerk check all the old sales receipts...and did you know Kjellander never bought his wife a dime's worth of Helene Curtis products? Cheap s.o.b.!
Steve R: Now you're on the right track. Dam, Kass will love this! What kind of American doesn't buy Helene Curtis products for his wife? The kind that buys slutty t-shirts from Abercrombie and Fitch, that's who! I think we can make this work. But I'm afraid Lovie Smith is going to take the news hard.
Ron G: Balderdash! You mean Lovie was actually going to suit you up?!?!
Steve R:Well, I hadn't actually told him yet. But I'm really quick on my feet without the beard. You really like saying balderdash, don't you?
Ron G: It's a word that doesn't get used nearly as much as it should. Don't you have a special word all your own?
Steve R: Well, when I can't sleep at night, I say 'Chirinjeev Kathuria' three times and I'm out like a baby. But back to the subject, yeah, this will work. Down with the establishment! To the barricades! We'll just be a couple of born-again spirits like Peter Fonda and that other guy in that old movie, Easy Rider. But with your money we can get really cool motorcycles. Do I still get top billing?
Ron G: Yeah, whatever, as long as I get the governor's mansion. What's our slogan going to be?
Steve R: Ummmm...wait, I've got it! Make seven. Up yours.
Ron G: Haha! I knew I could count on you to come up with something clever and original that would sum up our entire platform. We're gonna rock their world.
Steve R: Great! I gotta go now. Have to call Lovie.
Ron G: All right, then. I'll have my press secretary call your press secretary and we'll do lunch. All I ask is that you keep an open mind about the beard. Bye.

after a series of clicks, the dial tone resumed.


  1. Chirinjeev Kathuria

    Chirinjeev Kathuria

    Chirinjeev Kathuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Shadow is tickled by the Tuna

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Note to Charlie. When doing a parody, do try to make it even a little bit funny.

    And on the Kjellander issue, it's not a matter of "hating" the guy Charlie. It's just about not becoming a fool and destroying your credibility by helping to rig up a vote for a very dishonest, unethical man like Kjellander. You know Charlie, like you did last year. Now those REAL conversations, the ones you had with your shady friends leading up to the state convention, now THOSE would really be a hoot!

  3. I started to delete anon 8:59 and thought, ah, what the heck. There's a fella named Doug who is obsessed with Kjellander and follows me around doing troll postings anonymously.

    What he's talking about is that I was one of the 19 members of the committee which re-elected Bob Kjellander as GOP National Committeeman. The vote was 18-1. Many of the members of the committee would have been open to a serious applicant. But Steve Rauschenberger (who is a serious man that I like) told us on the committee that he didn't really want the job but if we insisted, he'd take it. Not the most confidence-inspiring campaign speech we ever heard.

    Now Doug was once on the fast track with the GOP establishment. In those days he considered us conservatives a bunch of nut-jobs like all his other establishment friends. But something went wrong and he was ousted from his position as general counsel from the state party, for which he blamed Bob Kjellander and Judy Baar Topinka. After that he became a born-again reformer with a detailed two-point program of reform: dump Kjellander and indict Topinka.

    Many people I respect have called for Kjellander's ouster. I personally think he's outserved his usefulness. But a vendetta is neither a program nor reform.

    So I will leave the previous post up this time, but I will delete future such posts that simply try to disrupt the reasonable flow of a thread, regardless of the anonymous source.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

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  5. Nicely done. Especially enjoyed the Doug thing.

  6. Anonymous4:59 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. He's a pesky little guy, eh?

  8. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Is it true Kathy Santos has been asked to run for Lt. Governor?

  9. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Charlie, not to worry. A "Doug & Cathy's Enemies List" would require a cast of thousands.

  10. Anonymous10:45 PM

    God I loved this. You are some kind of strange republican aren't you? Funny, funny indeed. But, c'mon, you're a republican?
