Saturday, November 19, 2005

Suggestions for new bloggers

I've decided that instead of this just being a "prototype" it will be the real deal. I'll do a rollout on my own blog after Thanksgiving.

A few things that I'd ask.

* Try not to use profanity, particularly in the headline.

* Include a link to your blog within your post. I need to figure a way to do this automatically, but I haven't yet.

* You're responsible for comments on your own posts. Edit them, or not, the way you see fit. That's completely up to you. If you don't know how to delete them, just e-mail me.

* There are a ton of national blogs, so let's keep this state and local only please.

* For now, at least, try to limit your posts to a couple-few a week. We have a lot of bloggers invited and it could get way out of hand.

* I think we should try to keep discussion of other peoples' posts in the comments area rather than on the front page. You may disagree, so let's talk.

* Try to check the blog here to make sure you're not repeating someone else's post.

* Other than that, have as much fun as possible. Hopefully, we'll make enough off the Google ads to throw a party or two every year.

UPDATE: (From 4/23/06)

I try to have a hands-off policy about this blog because I want people to write freely.

Still, this blog is called Illinoize for a reason. It's supposed to be about stuff that happens in Illinois and local politics.

So, let's drop the national and the international blogging, please, and the other topics that just have nothing to do with state and local politics. If you want to blog about Illinois and local music, arts, tourism, etc., that's fine, but we've been getting bombarded lately with posts that have completely strayed from our original mission.

Also, for now at least, please try to limit your posts to no more than two per day.


  1. "...So let's keep this state and local only please."

    Great suggestion and good luck on the new blog.


  2. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Hey Illinoize! I'm a new blogger on the Illinois political scene and would love to have my writings included in this feed. I was wondering what I needed to do to make this happen. Thanks much.

  3. Like Josh, I am fairly new to the blogging scene and would love to be able to post on Illinoize. How do I go about doing that?


  4. How can I get my Illinois Blog linked to this feed??

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Proverbs-Chapter 22 verse 20

    Have I not written thirty sayings for
    sayings of counsel and knowledge
    teaching you true and reliable words
    so that you can give sound answers
    to him who sent you?

    Do not exploit the poor because they
    are poor
    and do not crush the needy in court...
