Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bill Foster: A Public Document for Offical Business

Bill Foster must think we in the sticks need big glossy pics to answer the questions on the small card attached to this Public Document for Official Business at the taxpayer's expense.

Gosh darn but we ain't that stupid.

xp Bill Baar's West Side


Anonymous,  10:21 PM  

And Bill Baar comes up with anoter handful of straws.

Anonymous,  10:56 PM  

Are you really that dense Bill?

Congressman Kirk has been doing essentially the same thing for years. I just got an email from him last week with a "survey" in it.

Would you rather that this newly elected Congressman sit on his duff and not do anything? Is that your goal in life, to have a Representative who falls into a black hole and is never heard from again?

Or are sour grapes on sale at the St. Charles Jewel store?

Bill Baar 7:11 AM  

I'd rather Foster sent me a mailer explaining his differences with Obama and the FISA bill.

He's opposed, Obama's for it and will NOT lead the Filibuster...

I'd prefer that kind of substantive policy stuff....

Or Foster v Obama on Second Amendment and Chicago's handgun law (ever wonder if Pfleger's security detail packs?)...

That would be a good one too.

It's going to be interesting to watch Obama do the left-center strategy (read the Liberals Moment for the definition of that) and see if Foster can negotiate the same curvers.

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