Monday, April 07, 2008

Budget Giveaways to Restore Political Capital

Cross Posted from

In the spirit of the Seniors Ride Free giveaway, what budget gifts would you recommend?


Gift: Alternative Energies And Planting a Corpse In Mike Madigan's Cellar Tax Credit.

Rationale: "Renewable and alternative energies are an important component of Illinois' economic future; investing in them now will build the infrastructure that will place Illinois ahead of other states as alternative and renewable energy become the standard forms of energy production. Also, dependence on foreign energy is a danger to our homeland security, and investing in domestic energy is the best way to free our foreign policy from the undue attention paid to regions and regimes that control natural resources!"

Indirect or Direct Benefit to Blagojevich: Ingratiates him with creative class social entrepreneurs, environmentalists.

Gift: $12 million appropriation for Getting Your Car Out of Tow Lots in Schaumburg/Orland Park.

Rationale: "A significant number of Illinoisans are stranded in downtown Chicago, needing only a few more bucks so they can get on a train and get their car out of a tow lot in Schaumburg or Orland Park."

Indirect or Direct Benefit to Blagojevich: Wins both street hustlers and harried downtown businesspeople.

Gift: $400,000 appropriation for reopening Fan Si Pan Restaurant.

Rationale: Fan Si Pan spring rolls.

Indirect or Direct Benefit to Blagojevich: Gets Ramsin's vote.


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