Sunday, March 04, 2007

More Wall Scribble: The State of Conservative Activism In Illinois

If you haven't already heard the bloggin' buzz, Ann Coulter decided to call John Edwards a "faggot" while speaking at CPAC, just prior to giving a nod to Mitt Romney as her pick for pres. If this comes as news to you, I encourage you to take advantage of 'the google' and read up.

Blogging coverage has been quite heavy. My friend Pam is bashing democrats over the head with it, and we all know how much I like democrat bashing. Ed Morrissey of Capitain's Quarters states the flat out obvious on the entire gay issue - 'lost cause, get over it'. The more interesting blogging on the topic goes to Andrew Sullivan whom unfortunately is ever-so-correct:

When you see her in such a context, you realize that she truly represents the heart and soul of contemporary conservative activism, especially among the young.

By the way, I've called Andrew Sullivan correct exactly 3 times. I don't like doing it.

Whether in the hohum rantings of 'Toxic' Terri O'Brien, in the blended quasi-scientific, psuedo-Christian ramblings of 'Porno' Peter LaBarbera, or in the misogynistic screechings of Jill Stanek - our 'activists' are a collection of the bitter, the mildly crazy, or the flat out evil.

Part of the problem for those in the vast majority of conservatives who could give a hoot about Christo-Cons ties back to what Sullivan is saying. We small government types don't have sexy issues. It's our lack of sexy issues that makes us whom we are. The keepers of the hot issues are the social cons - who can fire up an extreme element of the base by waxing odd ball conspiracy fables of the 'abortion industry' or the 'gay agenda'. That was the glory of mildly appeasing that base. You can get them fired up without directly giving into them, perhaps just obligatory appeasement from time to time. When they quiet down and start spending too much time watching Judge Judy, we can fire them up again by whispering some faux moral outrage about 'the myspace'.

It wouldn't be so bad to have political pot stirrers around, apart from their astounding political liability. But as we're an increasingly tolerant state, the activists are increasing the toxicity of their spew. Let's face facts: Porno Pete's career ends on page 5 of the news paper while doing something stupid during one of his 'research trips' to Boys Town. Contrary to what most folks believe, I don't mind that we have activists whom can act as operatives to fire up a base of mid-day TV watchers so long as they do it without making fools of mainstream conservatives and thus pushing our precious swing vote into an apathetic non-vote or a vote for a democrat.

Ultimately, it comes down to the very obvious fact that Illinois will always be socially progressive - if not outwardly supporting at the very least apathetically left leaning. It's not a stretch, it's not a leap, it's a fact. Our activists, while good at artificially exaggerating their numbers and power are only serving to confuse and confound an otherwise willing moderate base whom find the activists issue stances to be antiquated and passe or, at the worst, a hate filled turnoff.

The conservative activists are getting too big for their britches. They will constantly attempt to dominate (and forcibly so) our political front end. Their attempts usurp Conservative identity for fanatical Christianist reasons must be fought off even if we have to pay for it in votes for a few years. Things can not get any worse for us - on current course we're headed for permanent minority status. But at least we might get license plates out of it. Tee shirt activism at it's worst - for sure.


pathickey 10:21 AM  

Coulter shot herwad years ago. That is what desperate people do - when Kramer gets old - to everyone -except on the re-runs and in the proper plot context - turn to racial rants.

When the movie gets panned - Lude it up and top off with Grey Goose!

Coulter is some fine looking trim -until she unzippers that fire-bucket of a mouth of hers.

Bill Baar 10:35 AM  

Barber didn't stop Topinka.

Roeser likes the thrice divorced fellow who moved in with two gay guys. Giuliani who leads all the GOP candidates by 25 pts last time I looked. (Someone Skeeter told me didn't have a chance in the GOP months ago.)

It's the War Stupid. The Christianists get it and the left doesn't.

I'm not a Chrisitnist but welcome as an ally anyone of any faith, or lack of faith, who understands what this country faces.

Dan L 10:55 AM  

Who said Barber stopped Topinka? I just said that the ilk of fanatics spent a lot of time trying to make Topinka's campaign unviable.

Dan L 10:55 AM  

PS - My upcomming Guiliani post will be on either this morning or the morning following.

Bill Baar 12:59 PM  

They will constantly attempt to dominate (and forcibly so) our political front end.

How you got force and our out of a legitmate effort by some Republicans against Topinka in the GOP primary is a real muddle.

Go ahead with the frame that the GOP is a party dominated by Christianists but I'm betting its a Giuliani-Romney or Giuliani-Rice ticket vs Gore-Obama. Your Christianist dominated GOP frame isn't going to make much sense.

Roland Martin is the only guy who's figured out the right frame to go after Giuliani with.

At least he's not stuck with the 2004 losing Democratic frame.

Bridget 1:36 PM  

Hmm. I don't see Ann Coulter as an activist, just someone looking to make a spectacle to make money. Many of the so-called "conservative activists" are that way.

Peter LaBarbera is just scary. I met him at a march for gay marriage a few years ago and I swear the guy is in the closet.

steve schnorf 2:13 PM  

I read you as speaking to Illinois politics, not national. As an R, I fear neither Romney, Giuliani, nor Rice (if any of them is the candidate) is going to carry Illinois 11/08.

Bill Baar 2:16 PM  

Steve, in the GOP Primary though? You don't think Giuliania would take it?

Anonymous,  2:35 PM  

Coulter is a national version of Stanek but with looks and without the obsessive fear of sex.

When they talk and spout their hate and ignorance, it's like the difference between watching a cute girl getting sick all over herself at a party or a piss-covered drunk throwing up in an alley.

Neither one is pretty, but one is definitely worse than the other.

Bill Baar 2:46 PM  

Barone Blog showing the movement towards the GOP in Illinois in a Rudy v Hillary match up.

If it's a Feb GOP Illinois primary between Rudy, Romney, McCain, and Duncan Hunter... and add in anyone else, it sure seems to me Giuliani the winner.

And Noemie Emery lays out the thinking of social conservatives in the US and, I'd wager, Illinois,

(1) The War, Stupid: There is the war, which overwhelms everything as the major issue in the eyes of the base. No group in the country backs the war on terror as fervently as social conservatives, whose main
criticism of the president's policy is that it has not been aggressive enough. To them, Rudy is the ultimate warrior, a man who not only survived 9/11 and rallied the city, but whose success in routing the gangs of New York is a template for engaging the Islamic terrorists, and an indication that he has the resolve and the relentlessness to carry this bloody task off.

They see him as a more ruthless version of George W. Bush, someone who would not have consented to less-than-aggressive rules of engagement; who would have taken Falluja the first time, and not have had to come back later; who would not have let Sadr escape when he had him; who would not have been fazed by whining over Abu Ghraib and Club Gitmo, and would have treated critics of the armed forces and of the mission with the same impatience he showed critics of the police in New York. As nothing else, the terror war sits at a nexus of issues dear to the heart of the base: the need to use force when one's country is threatened; the need to make judgments between good and evil; the need to protect and assert the moral codes of the Judeo-Christian tradition; the need to defend the ideals of the West.

Anonymous,  3:14 PM  

@Bill - if you consider Porno Pete and J. Matt Barber 'legitimate' republicans than you're either a victim of the ass backwards thinking or you're a lemming in the ass backward thinking

@Bridget - Activists and opportunists:) They blend very well, don't they?

@Steve - I don't think any [R] has a chance in Illinois. I do think Judy gives us the best chance to win. But I was speaking to local politics, just using a national lead in. I think it fits.

@anon - Dead on the money.

Bill Baar 4:21 PM  

Dan, the issues you've been posting on: Illinois funding embryonic stem cell research, is not to my thinking a right wing/left wing, or Conservative / Liberal issue.

Trying to slam the GOP as being under seige be Christianists who I would gather would be folks opposed to embryonic stem cell research, or prof life, etc.. just doesn't fit.

I broke a long habit of voting Democratic to cast a vote for George Ryan because I believed the social liberals about the Democrat Poshard.

I regreted that, but it was really listening to Reagan's kid make these outragous claims for embryonic stem cell resarch that turned me off. It's been a journay on some of these issues but I have far more respect these days for Jill Stanek than I do with the folks making these claims for using human embryos for dubious research.

An I've never read a thing by Ann Coultor.... or however you spell her name.

Illinois Republicans will go for Giuliani and I believe that will speak volumes about them.

steve schnorf 11:01 PM  


I think he well might. When I watched him in his command center in NY a few days after 9/11, he was very impressive.

More importantly though, as long as many Rs worry about who can be nominated more than worry about who can be elected, we're doomed to second tier status.

And that means, no matter when we have our primary, national Rs aren't going to spend any time or money here after that date.

Anonymous,  7:41 AM  

Trying to slam the GOP as being under seige be Christianists who I would gather would be folks opposed to embryonic stem cell research, or prof life, etc.. just doesn't fit.

? What doesn't fit?

Look, want to be pro-life? So be it. You won't find a quarrel here. On the other hand, stem cell research as a 'pro-life issue' is a stretch. You know it. I know it. And worse, for reasons I explained before, it's a loser issue - something that will contribute to not winning elections.

Anonymous,  10:47 AM  

The conservatives did not cause the downfall of the GOP. George Ryan caused the downfall of the GOP.

Illinois is not as left leaning as you state although certainly moving in that direction. Remember that it was only as recently as 1998 that both Democratic and Republican nominees were officially pro-life and the Democrat pro-gun.

It was only before the 1990 Republican take over of the Senate that the Democrat Senate President and the Democratic Speaker of the House were both pro-life and the current Speaker is still at least officially pro-life (Even though both Republican governors during this same period were both pro-choice).

Since you seem to be a pro-law enforcement South Sider and pro-Daley. Richard M. Daley was pro life and would of been considered
"anti-gay" in the State Senate. John Daley was pro-life and didn't want abortions at Cook County Hospital as late as 1991.

The last Cook County Democratic Chair was pro-life and his relative State Representative was not pro gay marriage (the late Tom Lyons) The chair before him Ed Vrdolyak was pro-life and considered "anti-gay". George Dunne was the one who kept abortions banned at Cook County Hospital. All Dems (although Vrdolyak later became a Republican)

State Rep Kevin Joyce signed on the defense of marriage act.
It is Joyce and Brosnahan who stopped eating popcorn at least joking around they could get AIDS when State Rep McKeon ate out of their bowl on the House floor. State Rep Kevin McCarthy (all Dems) beat the Republican by going to the right on gay rights. Jack Franks went to the right in his first race against a Republican.
Sheriff Sheehan filled out the questionnaire pro-life.

This is changing as these Dems (like Tom Dart who has evolved on social issues) run for State wide or even Countywide office or certainly do fundraising in major Democratic circles or even social circles. This mostly reflects a previously more Catholic and neighborhood conservative climate both personally as well as culturally.

Lots of polls indicate that a majority of Illinoisians (is that a word?) do not agree with gay marriage.
While most Illinoisians are pro-choice it starts to dwindle when you ask about partial birth (70% think it should be banned), or late term abortions, or parental consent (also 70%), or government funding.

Jim Ryan did quite well being pro-life, against gay marriage and eventually even 101 as did other politicians in the Republican party.

It is easy to demonize and call names but it is not necessarily reflective of cultural and spiritual reasons of individuals nor of culture.

I do agree that there is a small group of conservatives who do their issues and the Republican Party a disservice.
Jack Roeser, Fran Eaton, to a lesser extent Dan Proft, some of the virulent anti-gay crowd. There is one guy (maybe the guy you call porno) who sends out emails that are bizarre at best.
The conservatives who are mean spirited, lack strategy or tactics, are hypocrticial, have driven anybody who does not agree with them, any sense of compassion, any sense of diversity out of Republicans. But again this small group of idiots did not do the damage that George Ryan did nor that of the establishment arrogance of the money Republicans who can deal with a Daley as much as a Thompson and result in laws that help big business, usury, and not the middle class.

I don't know enough about stem cell research to comment. I don't think it is an issue that resonates on either side as much as the activists. While many of us have sick relatives, so it can be immediate, powerful and personal--the cures are not present, and while they may be--even Leon Kass (no relation to John)(a Jew who is profoundly respectful of Catholicism and does not view many thoughtful religous as some idiots trying to burn books or on the wrong side of Copernicus or Galileo and he is the U of C Bush appointee multiple PhD expert)--there are moral issues that are interesting and important that should not be dismissed.

Huxleys Brave New World may be fiction but with test tube babies, and Dick Morris DNA future politics and the lack of morality on technology and the dismissal of religion a priori is not wise.
I do not not know enought about the science and I would agree with Dan that the graphics are not there for the activists but I would caution about having such an insulting way of dealing with people, nicknames, making fun etc.
Maybe they deserve it as I do not know all the players. But it is not the elevated civil discourse I think is ideal.

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